




・言語: 日本語、英語、中国語、韓国語

・分野: 理工系7分野
(工学系: 電気系工学, 都市環境, 都市計画, 建築学, 社会基盤学, 化学システム工学, 情報理工学系:電子情報学)

・用例: コーパスで使われていた実際の話し言葉

・学習優先度: それぞれの理工系分野の専門家が学習優先度を判定したもの.

・学習項目: 学習項目は、理工系の研究室での会話やゼミなどのアカデミックな議論に必要な表現や共起表現、複合語などです。



<About Rainbow>

“Rainbow” is an online tool built on the basis of science and engineering spoken corpus data to search vocabulary and examples. The corpus data were recorded from the seminars of seven different fields and they contain actual and real utterances. The purpose of Rainbow is to offer linguistic and educational support to non-Japanese international students to have a better understanding of presentations and discussion during the seminars, and to help them use the vocabulary and expressions. The entries of Rainbow mainly consist of independent words, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions and pre-nouns.

<How to use Rainbow>

You can search the following information by Japanese, English, Chinese, or Korean, when you enter a word in the search box.

・Language: Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean

・Field/Area of Study: Seven fields in Science and Engineering
(School of Engineering: Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, Urban Environment, Urban Engineering, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Chemical System Engineering, School of Information Science and Technology: Information and Communication Engineering)

・Example Sentences: Actual/Real Utterances used in the corpus.

・Level of Priority in learning the word: The level is determined by the specialists in each field.
      「G」(General)… General word which you should know before college
      「B」(Basic)… Basic word for research study in a graduate school
      「S」(Specialized)… Special terminology in a particular field

・Useful Expressions: Useful expressions are phrases, expressions, collocations and compounds that might be useful for the conversation in science and engineering labs and/or academic discussions in general.